Vitali Beach in Andros is one of the most beautiful beaches on the island and stands out because of the wonderful route that one has to take to reach it. Starting from the port of Gavrio and after 15 km, 3 of which are paved dirt roads, you will reach a fantastic bay. The views along the way are stunning as you cross the mountain. Whatever fatigue has built up is fully compensated for by the magnificent route. The clear blue waters of the beach will amaze you.
Vitali Beach – The endless blue
Vitali Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Andros. It is ideal for windy days as its fine pebbles do not create undesirable sandblasts. Its waters are crystal clear, deep blue, and deep. The beach is organized, and you can find there one of the best beach bars in Andros providing sunbeds and anything else you need.
Vitali Beach in Andros is ideal for practicing diving. The view of the endless blue is fantastic while the small chapel on the edge completes the picturesque landscape. The time it takes to get there may seem arduous, but it’s worth the effort. Vitali Beach is undoubtedly a must-visit destination on your trip to Andros.